
Why Kopa?

As technology has taken over our lives, we’ve either gotten rid of outlets for connecting or moved them online. As we know, nothing is free, and we’re starting to see the cost of these conveniences; we're moving farther apart and it's having a noticeable impact on our quality of life as individuals and communities.

It's time technology steps up to fix what it's broken.


Social connection has a greater impact on our health than obesity and smoking. Sadly, we’re the loneliest we’ve been in recorded history, even while having the most connections.

Proximity and quality of connections matter. Kopa will help you connect with those nearest you.

Happiness and Fulfillment

We often times forget that meaning can be found in the discovery of others. Especially nowadays, where our outlets for social connection are all about ourselves before other people.

Kopa will help you focus on others. You may discover something about yourself along the way.

Connected Community
Strong Communities

We’ve stopped having relationships with people we disagree with, which means we stop having reasons to empathize with them - and communities are built on empathy.

Kopa will help you find common ground, while at the same time connecting you with new and interesting people.